Falls Church Speech Therapy

Nancy Newman, SLP, MA, CCC

nancy newman


Nancy has more than 35 years of experience including: 18 years as a speech clinician in Fairfax County Schools (Fairfax, Virginia). She also teaches in a host of county schools/private practices, serving clients from pre-school age to adult. She has 12 years’ experience in private practice, and is currently a provider for Care First, Blue Cross, Blue Shield.


Ms. Newman provides therapy during school hours either at your child's private school, or at her home in Falls Church, VA. Services are provided for the following disorders:



"Ms. Newman has worked with our daughter for several years. She focused on auditory processing, word retrieval, and social skills. As a therapist, she is warm, fun, and energetic. She has made a strong contribution to our child's development. We highly recommend Ms. Newman's services." - Gordon family, McLean, VA

"Everyone has been very happy with the progress of Ms. Newman's students. She taught speech to my daughter. I recommend her services." - Catherine A. Fonzi, teacher and parent.

"My son's speaking ability has improved dramatically! Thank you for your assistance and for answering our many questions." - John Fielding, parent.

nancy newman


For more information or appointment, call her at 703-533-0388 or Contact Nancy Newman by Email